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Διάρκεια: 9 ώρες (αντιστοιχούν σε 9 CPD's)

Χώρος διεξαγωγής: ΕΞ ΑΠΟΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ (ONLINE)


Αρχικό κόστος σεμιναρίου χωρίς επιχορήγηση: €500

Κόστος για Επιχορηγημένους  (Υπάλληλοι εταιρειών): €347

Κόστος για ανέργους : €0


The MICA (Markets in Crypto Assets) course is of paramount importance as it provides critical insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets and their regulation. By understanding the MICA framework, participants will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the crypto market and make informed decisions in this growing financial domain. As the European Union moves to adopt standarised regulations for crypto assets, professionals in finance, law, and technology must stay informed to remain competitive in this emerging industry. This course offers a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory environment, fostering the development of innovative solutions that adhere to legal requirements. Ultimately, the knowledge and skills acquired in this course will be indispensable for anyone looking to excel in the dynamic world of crypto assets and blockchain technology.



Στόχοι κατάρτισης

Μετά την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος οι καταρτιζόμενοι θα είναι σε θέση να:

Σε επίπεδο γνώσεων

  • Comprehensive understanding of the regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements for AML/CTF in the virtual asset space, including key international standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). 
  • Advanced techniques and tools for identifying, assessing, and mitigating AML/CTF risks associated with virtual assets, including blockchain analysis, transaction monitoring, and customer due diligence best practices.
  • Development of effective AML/CTF risk management strategies tailored to the unique challenges faced by Financial Institutions and Virtual asset service providers (VASPs), promoting industry/wide collaboration and information sharing to combat financial crime.

Σε επίπεδο δεξιοτήτων

  • Proficiency in applying cutting-edge AML/CTF risk assessment methodologies to identify, evaluate, and manage potential threats within the virtual asset ecosystem, ensuring regulatory compliance and operational resilience.
  • Expertise in leveraging advanced technological solutions, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, for efficient transaction monitoring, risk analysis, and anomaly detection in the context of virtual assets and cryptocurrencies. 
  • Ability to design, implement, and maintain robust AML/CTF policies and procedures for virtual asset service providers, fostering a culture of compliance and effectively mitigating the risk of financial crimes and regulatory penalties.

Σε επίπεδο στάσεων 

  • Enhanced critical thinking and analytical capabilities to identify emerging AML/CTF trends, anticipate potential risks, and devise innovative solutions tailored to the dynamic nature of the virtual asset industry.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills to effectively engage with stakeholders, including regulators, law enforcement, and industry partners, fostering a cooperative approach to combating financial crimes in the virtual asset space. 
  • Adaptability and continuous learning mindset to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape and technological advancements, ensuring that AML/CTF risk management strategies remain relevant and effective in the face of change.

Περιγραφή υποψηφίων για συμμετοχή

  • Senior AML/CTF compliance officers in virtual asset service providers and exchanges.
  • Senior Bank compliance professionals working with virtual asset-related clients.
  • Compliance consultants advising fintech and cryptocurrency companies. 
  • Regulatory compliance professionals in digital payment and remittance services.
  • Senior Executives in Law and Audit Firms