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Trade Based Money Laundering in Transaction Monitoring & Maritime Sanctions


Transaction Monitoring is a Regulatory requirement and aims the countering of ML, TF, Fraud, Tax evasion and any illicit activity that would be permitted otherwise. The objective of the webinar is to provide a thorough view and approach to the risks involved, either towards above threats or even sanctions including Maritime Sanctions. The topic is very broad but quite easy to understand and it includes day to day operations, experiences etc. The course will provide knowledge and techniques how to screen and monitor transactions in order to mitigate risks involved both for ourselves but also for the organization we work for.
The topics prepared for you for this course are as follows: 
  • Regulatory Framework & Relevant Risks
  • Internal Procedures on Due diligence
  • KYC,KYT,KYB,KYC of counterparty & UBO
  • Sanctions due diligence including Maritime Sanctions
  • TBML - Advanced Trade-Based Money Laundering Techniques
  • Advanced Tradecraft
  • TB typologies and methods

What one would expect from this exciting and unique webinar check on the following sample:

Money launderers engaged in TBML are constantly pushing the envelope in their quest to outwit compliance officers. With the Suez Canal/Panama Canal/Black Sea transport issues affecting global commerce, laundrymen tactically employing TBML schemes have the commercial world, which is preoccupied with these obstacles, at a serious disadvantage. Money launderers are certainly exploiting the chaos, which we know because of the paucity of reports of compliance departments and law enforcement agencies interdicting TBML operations. For example, a number of enterprising laundrymen have created shell companies purporting to be engaged in insurance coverage, to shield the transfer of dirty money, disguised as insurance payments for losses, whether from wartime damage, delay and spoilage issues, and a number of other types of insurable events that arise constantly in times of danger and exposure to risk. They may have already set up front shipping companies for that purpose. Money launderers in the TBML field are, as we consider it, brainstorming over new ways to take full advantage of the confusion over trade route risks. They are actively engaged proactively, seeking out new methods, which they use, and then lose, effectively defeating unimaginative compliance officers who don't embrace the possibility that what they are seeing are not necessarily legitimate payments for trade, but creative criminal variations on a number of themes, forever changing form and format.
Take another look at that transaction; analyze it, dissect it, and you may find it is more than it appears to be. Be as creative as your worthy laundrymen opponents, and you can stop them.
Definite interest to:

  • Bank employees dealing with payments, trading transactions, trade finance
  • Lawyers and accountants dealing with customer due diligence and behaviour
  • MSBs dealing with customer services
  • Shipping companies dealing with movement of cargo and ships
  • Maritime suppliers of goods and services

*The Program can be adapted to the needs of your company